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Teaching your kids to grill on Father’s Day

Teaching your kids to grill on Fathers Day
Each year, we celebrate the dads in our lives through a number of Father’s Day traditions. For families across the country, this day is all about showing their appreciation for their respective dads. And for the fathers out there, it’s also a time to reminisce on the experiences they’ve had with their children, and think about all the new ones that are still to come.

Dads can be notorious jokesters, but chances are they’ve also taught you a thing or two about life along the way. This Father’s Day, dads have another opportunity to do a little teaching.

The spot in front of the grill is a favorite amongst most fathers. You get the chance to socialize with friends and family, all while grilling up the perfect burger. Your years of experience have made you the foremost expert in your family when it comes to cookouts, but what if you could also pass down the tricks of the trade to your kids too? 
Teaching your kids to grill will go a long way in piquing their interest in how their food is made. Check out these tips on how to teach your kids about the art of grilling this Father’s Day.


1. Start with the basics

Before they can start crafting the perfect plate of burgers or hot dogs, teach your children how the grill works. Starting with the Blue Rhino propane needed to light the grill, your kids will get a better understanding of what it takes to get the end result. Once they know a little bit about how propane-powered grills function, give them a pointer on how your specific grill works. Walk them through the importance of areas like the top rack, how and when to open and close the lid, and special features like side burners. These basics will help your children get familiar with your grill and give them insight on the grilling essentials.


2. Have a conversation about safety

Being around a hot flame can be dangerous if your children are not paying attention. Make sure to provide proper instructions on lighting the grill with the lid open. This includes demonstrating how to clean your grill to prevent flare-ups, checking for gas leaks, following the lighting instructions, and several other dos and don’ts of grilling safety.


3. Preparing and grilling your food

Here comes the fun part! Getting the food your children and the rest of the family want on the grill is the payoff for your kids’ patience. Now that they’ve learned the basics and know how to safely use the grill, it’s time for them to put their culinary skills to the test. Pull back the curtain and show your kids the behind-the-scenes work that goes into making a meal on the grill. This is where you can teach them about the various rubs spices, and marinades added to meats, the best side dishes to complement that delicious rack of ribs, and just how much barbecue sauce to add (hint: there’s never too much!).

Once you and the kids are ready to toss some food on the grill, have them gently place the food over a burner for direct grilling, or just to the side of the burner for indirect grilling. When grilling meats, be sure to teach them about internal temperature. By using your meat thermometer and having them consult our internal temperature guide, they’ll be able to tell when their food is done.


4. Cleaning your grill

Now that your kids have made a full meal on the grill, it’s time to show them the cleaning up process. Tuning up your grill soon after you’re done using it will ensure that no burnt pieces or grease will linger for your next cookout. Have your children grab the grill bush and scrape off any remains from the grates of the grill. Once that is complete, wipe down the grates with a cloth. For additional instructions, be sure to watch our Cleaning Your Cooking Surface video featuring Operation BBQ Relief’s CEO Stan Hays.  

We hope your Father’s Day is filled with exciting new memories made at the grill. With these tips and tricks, your kids will be grilling experts in no time!

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