- Keep it Clear! - Retailers should never block access to propane displays. Read more here.
- Retailer Sales Training Video - How do you execute a Blue Rhino transaction? Watch this video to learn the basics of Blue Rhino tank exchange.
- Behind the Scenes - Blue Rhino does more than just put propane in tanks. Watch this and see for yourself.
- Safety Brochure - For a summary of important safety reminders, read this handy brochure.
- Safety Video - Here is a video overview of important safety reminders.
- Theft and Vandalism Procedures - Procedures on what to do if a Blue Rhino display is stolen or vandalised. Read more here.
- Blue Rhino Standard Operating Procedures & Safety Manual - Need more details on tank exchange procedures and safety? Read this document.
- Store Setup and Training Record - Use this file to document who has been trained and what Blue Rhino materials you have been provided. This is also available in hard copy duplicate forms from your distributor.
- Texas Railroad Commission Manual - The state of Texas requires retail stores that sell propane to keep a copy of this manual on hand at all times. Contact Blue Rhino Customer Care at 1.800.258.7466 to request a printed copy of this manual and to schedule store training.
- Kansas Training Manual - The state of Kansas requires retail stores that sell propane to keep a copy of this manual on hand at all times. It is the tool to use when training employees who handle propane.
- Guide to Unacceptable Tanks - Here's a great file to use in training employees in acceptable and unacceptable empty propane tanks.
- How to Spot a "Meth" Tank - In rare instances, tanks used for illegal methamphetamine production may surface in a display. Here’s what to do.
- SDS for Propane - Keep a copy of this handy at your stores at all times.
Other Blue Rhino materials, such as the Training Guide/Scan Sheet and Key Chain, also include safety info. These are provided to retail stores at setup. Additional copies can also be ordered from Blue Rhino Customer Care at 800.258.7466.
If you have any questions or need more info, please contact your sales manager or call Blue Rhino at 800.258.7466.